I truly didn't think that Ms. J was going to make it to this weekend. I really didn't...not with how poorly she was doing last week. I blogged about it over at Caregiving.com, but in a nutshell, here's what happened.
On March 26th, Gram Cheyne-stoked on one of the caregivers. Her heart actually stopped. This went on for about 45 minutes. The caregiver said she had never seen that happen without the person dying. She's had a lot of experience with Hospice, rest-homes, etc. So yeah...it was a big deal. So, I flew back early from the brief trip I took home (for a roommate's wedding) because I was afraid it was the end. When I got here, she was bed-bound and slept straight through 3 days or so. We barely got any liquid or nourishment down her and the nurse told us that we probably just had days before she passed.
I am too tired at the moment to recount everything that has happened since. All the family rallied around and she got to say her goodbyes. Then....she perked up a little and is now better. She declined after the episode of course, and is even more care now than before. However, she's still hanging in there. She was fussing tonight, so I know things are fairly back to normal.
So, I made Easter for this Saturday. We had a big potluck, I made a kick-ass turkey, and Gram seemed to have fun. I made us a basket full of goodies, but I had showed it to her Thursday...you know, just in case she wasn't with us by the weekend. God. It sounds so weird to write that.
I got her a copy of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden
I'll write some more tomorrow. I am too exhausted to do much else at the moment.
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