Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chaplain Coming Today

So, Palliative Care has agreed to send their Chaplain out to visit with Gram today. We'll see how it goes. I don't want her to feel like it's her last rites or something, but I really feel like she needs some spiritual guidance.

I've been toying with the idea of doing devotionals with her, but I find myself almost embarrassed to do so. I don't know why this is. Perhaps because I don't feel like a religious/spiritual authority or leader AT ALL. I fail and flail just as much as the next girl and feel so odd leading any kind of prayer or study. Plus, it's sort of a sensitive do you approach something as important as religion to someone who is in the last stages of their life. I have no idea. I can feel my face redden as I even think about it.

Maybe I just need to get over myself and DO it. It isn't about me, after all...


  1. It is good for both you and your grandma to provide some spiritual comfort. Bringing in a Pastor or Chaplain is sometimes a difficult decision, but can really be helpful for you both as this time of her passing is approaching. Don't feel bad or nervous about it, the Chaplain will know just what to do, to minister to both of your needs.

  2. If your grandma is alert enough you might ask her if she has a favorite prayer or poem she would like you to read to her; or ask her if she would like you to read to her from a familiar prayer book. If not, read outloud whatever comforts you and as you are comforted so will she be.
