Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sleepy Time...

Ms. J has started sleeping in the evening, something she has never done. It usually happens after a day of visits and phone calls, which tire her out. It sounded like today was a very mild day, yet still she is sleeping right through the end of Amelia. (Which, by the way, is a movie I recommend.)

I think I should try harder to wake her up, but she doesn't really respond when she gets like this. Unless I am putting her on the toilet, in which case she becomes wide awake and can't even think about sleeping. (A good thing, I think.)

So, let her sleep and relax since she is clearly tired...or wake her up so she will actually sleep tonight and not keep us both up past 2am...

Anyone? Yeah, I don't know either.

I think I will try and get her ready for bed in her chair...the SoniCare toothbrush always wakes her up, for one. That way I can get her ready for bed and also wake her up a little so she'll be tired for her actual bedtime....which, I just realized, it almost IS.

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