Friday, January 22, 2010

Medicaid: The Latest Installment and Something You Need To Know

On a whim, I tried to call in to the Office of Public Assistance yesterday and reach Betty. She wasn't there of course, but I spoke to a very sweet and HELPFUL individual who helped me find the information I needed. Can you believe that? In a GOVERNMENT OFFICE! She was attentive and patient and NICE! Her name was Paula, and I now love her.

Anyway, what I found out was this: It used to be that once a person signed up for SSI (Supplemental Security Income), their information was sent to the Medicaid office and was processed automatically.

This is apparently no longer the case. I don't know why. I could guess, but I don't want to be that pessimistic.

The only way someone can get enrolled in Medicaid THROUGH SSI is if SOMEONE CALLS MEDICAID immediately afterward. (Again, what in the hell do people do who don't have an advocate?) So, Ms. J was NOT enrolled in Medicaid over these last few months. Instead, her information was sort of..."floating."

We are crossing our fingers that she will soon be officially on Medicaid now that the call has been made. We are also hoping that it won't take the full 45 days of processing time that it usually does. Since she has had SSI for two months, I certainly don't see how it could.

Thank you, Paula. We are hoping and praying!

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