Monday, January 11, 2010


The reason, I've been gone, is because I've been sick for about three weeks now. Prior to that, I was going nuts with Christmas prep. Not only was I trying to make all the gifts for my own family, but I also had to do gifts for two other families.

Speaking of X-Mas, Ms. J's caregiver and I also took her shopping in the most ridiculous weather (I think the storm dropped about a foot of snow). Still, we managed to get her to the mall in a nearby town and also to a local clothing store. The local store is Ms. J's favorite place in the world to buy gifts. They carry nice clothes and lovely western gifts, so it can often be a one-stop-shop...even though she usually spends WAY too much money in the process.

Anyway, lot of late nights left me with a nasty sinus infection that has since moved throughout the rest of my body. Head, nose, ears, the insidious thing is resting in my upper lungs. So lame. Oh, AND I had also was the recipient of a full-body detox rash after taking the herbal supplement Lobatium. It was harmless, but it looked simply awful. I was hideous. And itchy. Well, only partially so. For some reason, the rash started at my ankles and was mostly contained in that one spot. It took about four days for it to go away.

I still haven't been to the doctor. I've been taking every natural supplement Dad has provided (including the rash-inducing one) so as to cure the damn thing myself, but it still isn't going away. He thinks it's all keeping me from getting walking pneumonia, but I have my doubts. I am using a neti pot twice a day, filled with a mixture of colloidal silver, Celtic sea salt, iodine, virgin coconut oil and distilled water. I gargle with a similar solution twice a day, morning and night, am taking C, B, D, Zinc, more iodine, Detoxygen, and GABA and Melatonin at night to sleep. Oh, and the cherry on top: a humidifier spiked with peroxide for nighttime. It has bleached both my hair and my eyebrows, something I just noticed day before yesterday. I am slightly redheaded right now.

I know I could beat this thing if I could just get some good sleep. If it isn't stress keeping me awake, it's Ms. J (not her fault!) and her needs. I just can NOT seem to get good sleep for the life of me. The GABA and Melatonin has helped slightly, but not enough to KEEP me asleep. I don't know what to do.

Anyway, so that's that.

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