Monday, January 11, 2010

Sorry for the Hiatus

Since only one person out there knows this blog exists, I am sure I don't have many heartbroken readers out there. I am glad in a way, since I haven't been on here in about a month. I've been struggling with whether or not to go public with this thing. I don't want to tell family, since there are many intimate details in the postings that might rob Ms. J of her dignity. So, if I do let more people know, I need to go about it in a way that preserves privacy. Or, I may just keep this to myself. I truly think that this experience could be made into a very good book, and this could serve as my journal. (First things first, though. I need to be better about posting. I always think I will remember the details, but one never does.)

So anyway, ONE PERSON OUT THERE (you know who you are), sorry I haven't been around. I will do better.

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